Kevin O'Leary,John Mcelroy将在CMTS 2011中提供主题演讲

多伦多,安大略省 - 他可能会因为在CBC电视的龙巢队的无情的“向我展示金钱”法官而泪流满面,他可能是最为闻名的,因为凯旋电视的龙的龙队,但当凯文·奥里什说,商业世界听着。At the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show 2011 (CMTS 2011), all ears will be on O’Leary as he kicks off the conference portion of the show with his pull-no-punches look at the good, the bad and the ugly of modern manufacturing.

Speaking at 9 a.m. on October 17, the opening day of the show, O’Leary will draw on his personal knowledge and experiences to answer tough questions facing today’s manufacturers, including ‘How will the global recession affect your industry?’ and ‘What can you do to protect your company and come out stronger?’ His opinionated nature, razor-sharp business advice and compelling anecdotes will both impress and inspire, says Nick Samain, Event Manager with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, organizers of CMTS 2011, which will take place October 17-20 at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto. Also speaking at CMTS 2011 is well-known automotive insight journalist and TV host John McElroy, who is expected to make automakers sit up and take notice as he moderates Automotive Summit, a roundtable panel sponsored by the Automotive Parts Manufacturer’s Association (APMA) at 9 a.m. on October 18. A regular guest on ABC World News Tonight, CBS News and NBC Nightly News, McElroy will get wheels turning in the minds of attendees with comments like: “... the moving assembly line is actually an inefficient way to make cars.” “From explaining a key union issue or warning about China’s dream of dominating the car lot, to talking about whether car companies should limit customer choices or raising a provocative question about whether electric cars are really all that green, McElroy’s is a rich resource of information that even non-automotive manufacturers will appreciate,” points out Samain. “We’re thrilled to be bringing high-profile speakers like O’Leary and McElroy to our audience and we’re looking forward to the dynamic interaction that will ensue.” Rounding out the three-day conference portion of CMTS 2011 are 90-minute sessions on topics of current interest, including:

  • 如何控制像天空飙升的能源成本等成本,以及如何将更高效的流程引入制造业。
  • 如何提高员工生产力。
  • 医疗制造,包括设备制造商面临的设计挑战,最近的创新和增材制造的应用。
  • 加工技术及发展趋势,以及激光切割的发展趋势。
  • 运输业制造业创新。
2011加拿大制造技术展是加拿大最新技术、设备、精益实践、管理策略和绿色解决方案的权威展示,这些对当今的制造商至关重要。从传统的自动化、金属成型、包装、原型、测量和工具解决方案,到前沿的可视化、纳米技术、机器人技术、绿色和智能电网技术,本次活动提供了对创新和当今企业所需资源的深入了解。CMTS 2011的其他亮点包括一个全面的贸易展,包括600多家供应商和分销商的现场演示和展示,以及行业范围内的网络招待会。


